
Transforming Your Space: Innovative Patio Stone Designs in the Okanagan

Date: April 02, 2024
Author: Synergy
Transforming Your Space: Innovative Patio Stone Designs in the Okanagan

Create your dream patio with these stone design ideas and tips!

If you’ve been feeling like your backyard is a bit lacklustre, or you’ve been planning on adding a bit of pizazz to your outdoor space but aren’t sure how we’ve got just the right ideas for you. Spring has just made its appearance, and summer is just around the corner; it’s finally lounging-outdoors-soaking-up the-warmth-of-the-sun season. Since the outdoors is where you’ll spend most of your time over the next few months, why not spruce up your favourite space with some creative stone features for your patio?  

Lucky for you, with the right landscape design, the potential of working with patio stones is endless. 

Design Ideas for Using Paving Stones for Your Outdoor Space

  1. Build an outdoor shower: An outdoor shower is a great way to add personality to your outdoor space, and it's functional, too! After a day spent at one of Okanagan Lakes' beaches, it’ll be refreshing to hose off all the sand before stepping into your home.

  2. Pave around a fire pit: We all love a campfire—including ooey-gooey smores—so if you already have a fire pit, add some paving stones around it to create a cozy seating area for everyone to hang out.

  3. Pave a path: Nothing says cute and whimsical like a winding path through your patio towards your house. Stepping stones are a great way to connect your home to another area on your property. 

  4. Build a patio: If you’ve been reading all these ideas and wishing you had a defined patio space, start now! Patio stones are a brilliant way to break up your outdoor space, and they can be arranged in a tight pattern to separate that space from the rest of your yard.

  5. Make the most of a smaller space: Wondering how to best use your small space to the fullest? Use stones to liven it up; pavers with rich patterns and textures would be perfect for your itty bitty backyard or courtyard. 

How to Choose the Right Stone and Materials for Your Outdoor Patio

Once you’re set on the design or ideas you’d like to use, choosing the suitable material for your patio is an important decision, and there are many factors to consider, including its main purpose, ongoing maintenance, and durability. To help you make the right decisions, here are some commonly used options and their properties. 

Natural Stone
A natural stone patio is the perfect choice for a sitting area that blends in with the natural feel of the Okanagan landscape or as an accent in your garden. Due to the variation in the stone's surface, it is not ideal for a dining area where chairs will frequently be sliding back and forth.

Stone is one of the most durable patio materials available and will last longer and hold its colour better than any other material. The wear that does occur over time will add character to your patio while preserving its functionality. A stone patio should also be swept and cleaned once every year!

Patio Pavers
Pavers come in various shapes, sizes and styles, making them an extremely versatile option. They are perfect for creating an outdoor dining or sitting area because of their regularity and durability.

If patio pavers are correctly maintained and installed with care, they can last a very long time - anywhere from 50 to 100 years. Pavers irrigate well with most natural surfaces and easily withstand harsh climates and heavy loads. Over time, natural wear and tear will occur. However, this won't affect the functionality of your patio.

A brick patio has more texture than other types of surfaces, so tables and chairs may wobble or feel uneven. Due to this, we don’t often recommend bricks for outdoor dining spaces. However, it works great in accent gardens, simple sitting areas, or other charming areas of your yard.

Bricks will often crack during winter and spring freeze-thaw cycles, so it’s essential to choose a brick that is rated for outdoor use, especially with the Okanagan’s dry, hot summers. If cracking does occur, single bricks can often be easily removed and replaced. If properly maintained and cared for, brick patios can last over 100 years.

How to Maintain Your Patio Stones

Once installed, regular maintenance is key to ensuring that your patio stones last for many years to come. Following are a few easy steps to maintain, clean and care for your patio stones.

Cleaning your patio stones can help prevent the build-up of dirt and debris while improving the overall appearance of your walkway or driveway. First, use a leaf blower to remove any surface dirt or leaves from the area. Next, you will want to deep clean the stones. We suggest using a garden hose, power washer or garden sprayer. Start at the point closest to your home and work your way out, pushing the dirty water to the sidewalk.

Maintenance begins with prevention. While there are many solutions available, using polymeric sand in between the cracks of each stone or paver is the best option. This is because polymeric sand can prevent the growth of pesky weeds from in between stones, and insects from living in between the patio stones, which can lead them directly to your home.

Weed Removal
It’s best to remove weeds before the polymeric sand application. Physically removing the weeds can most definitely get rid of them quickly, but for longer-lasting results, you may need to use a product to kill them. There are many chemical products available to you that can offer long-lasting results.

If you are looking for a solution that doesn’t involve harsh chemicals, we have the answer for you. Add a combination of water, dish soap and white vinegar to a spray bottle. Spray the weeds with your solution when the sun is hot and bright. We always suggest adding the solution as the sun is reaching its peak, which will help the weeds absorb the mixture faster.

At Synergy, we can help you harness the best features of having a home within the diverse landscape of the Okanagan region. We’ve got plenty of experience transforming outdoor spaces from design to implementation. Reach out to us, and our landscape design experts can help you realize your vision for your outdoor space!

If you’ve got it all planned out but are in dire need of a fresh outlook and inspiration or have no clue where to start but want your garden to have the expert touch, contact us at Synergy. We can help transform your outdoor space to embody beauty through the seasons. From design to implementation, we’ve got your roots!