Mowing + Trimming: Regular proper mowing of the lawn will ensure the grass is uniform and looks consistent in colour and length and overall, helps to enhance the aesthetics of your property.
Top Dressing: Adding a thin layer of nutrient-rich compost to the lawn, or parts of the lawn in need for overall improvements (and keeps the lawn's surface levelled. Prevents the buildup of thatch, improves drainage, and stimulates growth.
Aeration: Perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots, resulting in a stronger lawn and alleviating soil compaction.
Dethatch: Remove any buildup of thatch layers (mixture of dead and living plant material) to aid with better water and fertilizer absorption and overall grass plant health.
Fertilization: Let's give you that healthy, lush, green lawn. The most vital ingredient in a lawn’s nutrient is nitrogen, and each type of grass needs diverse amounts of nutrients for maximum growth and performance. Regular fertilization delivers the most vital ingredient—nitrogen—to ensure a healthy and beautiful lawn.
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